What was Isaac Asimov like in person?

Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov, renowned as one of the most brilliant minds in science fiction, was not only an extraordinary writer but also an exemplary human being. His ability to weave complex scientific principles into fascinating narratives won him accolades worldwide and…

The Year 2022 in Science Fiction

The year 2022 in science fiction: Soylent Green [1973 science fiction movie]

Science fiction has long used specific years as settings to explore futuristic concepts, with 2022 being no exception. This year has served as the backdrop for a variety of narratives that delve into dystopian futures, environmental crises, alien invasions, and…

Fermi Paradoksu

Science: A Candle in the dark. Stars and milky way in the beautiful night sky

Fermi paradoksu üzerine okuduğum en bilgilendirici ve kapsayıcı yazıyı Türkçeye kazandırmak istedim ve bu amaçla waitbutwhy.com‘a yazılarını çeviri izni için mesaj attım. Kısa sürede yanıt döndüler ve yazıyı çevirmeme izin verdiler. Wait But Why’dan Jordan Urban’a ve orijinal makaleye dikkatimi…